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Release Notes

XPF 1.2.0

  • Update ImageSharp
  • Make DragDrop handler work with any Control rather than TopLevel
  • Implement GetActiveWindow with virtual window handles
  • Make HwndWrapper usable
  • Ignore size to content from avalonia window
  • Patch XPF assemblies to throw on DllImport
  • Update GetSizeFromHwnd
  • Update Avalonia nuget to 11.2 alpha
  • Check if XpfHost is actually attached to something to decide if popup creation should be deferred
  • Fix for situation when ExclusivelyOwnedWindow is actually null
  • Port wpf popup placement logic
  • Keep focus in avalonia host if window is reactivated
  • Make snoop work in more cases
  • Add support for corner radius in rectangle geometry
  • Reset popup _positionInfo when creating a new window
  • Fix for Telerik's RadTooltipWindow
  • Read hotspot from .cur files
  • Skip rendering content if it will be clipped away anyway
  • Use absolute transform origin for WPF's Brush.Transform property
  • Check if window has been activated before, when checking focus
  • Fixed VisualBrush regression
  • Add default bitmap cursor for Pen cursor type
  • Initial support for PDF generation
  • Added SystemInformation.MouseWheelScrollDelta
  • Raise position changed when window position is set on initial state
  • Activate window when control gains focus
  • Fix bitmap encoding issues
  • Block input during managed dragging
  • Implemented BlockUIContainer
  • X11 - Keep track of whether window activation is complete from control focus
  • Fallback to setting dragpoint when position is set on linux
  • Stub UnhookWindowsHookEx
  • Various WinAPI shims fixes related to the Screen API
  • Map more pixel formats
  • Actipro docking fixes
  • Don't call GetCapture from ComboBox in XPF
  • Send MILCMD_BITMAP_INVALIDATE for WriteableBitmap.AddDirtyRect
  • Properly configure DPI and page size metadata for PDF documents
  • Don't allow resizing on maximized windows x11
  • ManagedWindowDragHelper - keep track of previous positions and update position when WM_MOVING is handled
  • MonitorFromWindow: Do not throw for non attached visual
  • Fix unhandled exceptions
  • Fix some Geometry issues
  • Add support for strokeless geometry segments
  • Add SKColorFilter free callback
  • Allow the user to enable logging via msbuild property or environment variable
  • Don't call GetCapture from MenuBase in XPF
  • Update PresentationCore ref for XpfSkiaExtensions
  • Add background setting to MessageBoxTheme.axaml
  • Prevent non-client input when mouse is captured
  • Fix screen working area for popups
  • Fix crash on text box paste
  • Fix some docking issues

Known Issues

  • Actipro docking: when tearing off a pane, preview is not shown on macOS
  • DevExpress docking: does not always show drop adorners on X11
  • Syncfusion docking: problems on all platforms
  • Telerik docking: Initial drag/tear-off stops registering mouse on Windows